Saturday, March 21, 2015

Weekend Dinners


I love to cook. Besides writing, cooking may be my favorite thing to do. I always wanted to go to culinary school, but I never wanted to keep up with the rigorous schedule and hours. So now I just do it as a hobby. I watch Food Network like it's my job. Seriously, if I could get paid for watching FN, we'd be millionaires.I even DVR my favorite Food Network shows and keep them for when I want something good to watch. I have learned a lot of my cooking skills from various shows.

During the week, my husband and I are so busy with work, our daughter, I have two other small jobs besides my day job, so it makes it difficult to whip up these elaborate meals. I look for quick, easy, and minimal ingredients. On weekends, I really like to think about a dinner menu and plan something nice. It makes for a special night where we can have dinner together, just the 3 of us.

Tonight I outdid myself. I made a mushroom risotto and a spinach, strawberry, and avocado salad. My daughter tried the risotto, but wasn't too sure about it. Ha! She did love the spinach salad, cut up into small bites, and she had a hot dog instead. Still a gourmet meal in her book! It's nice to slow down for a bit and eat dinner together as a family. I am Italian, and grew up on big family meals. When I cook for my husband and daughter, this is my way of expressing my love to them. 


  1. I love the line, "I watch Food Network like it's my job." Your dinner sounds delicious!

    1. Thank you! There were no leftovers, so I consider that a success! :-)

  2. That sounds delicious. Can I join dinner in your family. I think it is so important to have dinner as a family as often as possible, I can see this is a priority in your family as well.

  3. And I'll bet it's a great creative outlet for you! Sounds wonderful!

    1. Definitely is. And now, so is this SOL challenge. :-)

  4. Aww,,, I cook on Sundays: two meals. We eat left overs all week - well at least until Friday. Things haven't changed since you were in Middle School. On Fridays, we eat pizza or Chinese food. Mostly we eat Chinese these days. The gourmet in my house is my husband WHEN and IF he cooks. He does a chocolate mousse that takes all afternoon! I'm going to learn to cook when I retire, It's on my list; just not on the top~

  5. That is a great idea. I never considered doing leftovers all week. We just do it from day to day if we have them. And I'd looooove to know your husband's mousse recipe. Although, I'm not sure I wouldn't mess it up. :-)

  6. I too love to cook and the weekends are my favorite! We tried cheese souffles one weekend and this weekend we are doing artichokes. It is a great hobby! Sounds like you have a wonderful family tradition.

  7. I would LOVE your cheese souffle recipe! I've never tried to make a souffle, but I'd love to experiment. :-)
